Set during the "Next Chapters" arc of 'Sword Art Online II,' the 'Calibur' manga is written by Reki Kawahara and drawn by Shii Kiya. Originally published by Kadokawa in 2015, it arrived in the United States courtesy of Yen Press in 2017.
While Kirito, Asuna, Sinon, Leafa, Kline, and their friends are exploring Alfheim when they encounter a fairy who explains the legendary sword Excalibur has been stolen by the Frost Giant King who took it to Jotunheim. Deciding to take this sidequest, Kirito and his friend encounter a young woman called Freya who explains that the Frost Giant is using the sword to power his fortress and only she can stop them. While others are suspicious, Kline begins to fall for the NPC, even with ribbing from Kirito. As they continue the quest, they encounter some unexpected dangers that put the group at risk.
I applaud Skii Kiya's artwork. The character designs were especially sublime. Besides how the original characters were designed, the Frost Giant King was especially done well. It was scaled perfectly and went well when the protagonists faced off against him.
I am a huge fan of SAO and for some reason that is controversial to say. But I do and I enjoyed the "Excalibur" arc when I watched it in the anime. Seeing it in its secondary form, the original being the light novels, was pretty interesting.
Despite watching the anime, I genuinely had a good time reading this portion of the sage. SAO is an expansive story that begins as an isekai before it transitions into more of a futuristic thriller. Here, we see when the characters have a reprieve and are just enjoying the virtual MMO that they have joined. It was fun, exciting, and I loved the dive into European legends to expand its lore.